Crooked Cow Style Guide

This page exists as a reference for the proper use of the following branding assets. We appreciate your cooperation with our brand guidelines.

Primary Logo Variations

This logo is our primary logo, and should be the used when talking about any of the flavors in the brand.

This logo is best suited for application on light-colored backgrounds, as well as light, multi-colored photographs.

This logo is best suited for applications on dark-colored backgrounds, as well as dark, multi-colored photographs.

The logo requires a boarder of that is free of imagery and text surrounding it. Use the height of the D to determine the minimum amount of safe space that should surround the logo. This should be scaled to fit any designs proportionate to the size of the design.

Safe Space

These logos are intended to complement a design as a secondary element. For instance, they should be employed in scenarios where the primary logo has already been featured prominently and serves as a focal point of the display. Their purpose is to further solidify the brand identity. It's important to note that these logos should never be utilized independently to represent the brand.

Logo Variations

Do’s and Don’ts

Use of logo maintaining contrast and legibility is a must for the brand.

Never use logo on multi color photos or busy backgrounds that does not allow contrast.

When using one color logo on solid color backgrounds maintaining the contrast for legibility.

Never use one color logo with poor contrast.

Substitution of black or white in one color logo may be made in order to promote legibility.

Never use any color in the logo design, besides brand colors or white or black as one color options.


When designing, it is important to prioritize the use of primary brand colors. These colors should be the main focus of the design, providing consistency and brand recognition. Supporting colors should be used sparingly as accents to complement and enhance the overall aesthetic.

Please note that HEX codes are used for online applications. CMYK are use for printing

Type Face

Peaches- Peach

Jittery Joe - Coffee

Peanut - Peanut Butter

Coco - Chocolate

Meet Caramoo and his crew, our beloved mascot who graces all of our products with his charisma. With each flavor, he has featured one of his crew each with their own expression on the flavor. Caramoo stands as the face of our cream bourbons, use this design when talking about multiple flavors. Don’t change his face, color, expression, or accessories.

Caramoo and Crew

Caramoo- Caramel

Caramoo Standing- Caramel

Crooked Cow Style Guide